Pet Remembrance

If you would like to add an image to our remembrance page, please email us and attach an image of your pet (4MB Max) and include a tribute.



Our beloved Missy sadly left us on 1/09/24.
Such a beautiful friendly dog we are in total shock that you have gone . We’ll always love you from your sister Roxie and all the Hogg family xx



Buddy was 6 years old and will always be missed by us and Blue (her mate). Thank you to all the team who looked after her.



Patch, our little ‘Princess’, so beautiful and loving we have been blessed to have you as part of our family for the last 10 years but how we wish we had 10 more.
Enjoy your permanent place in the sunshine until we meet again xx

Our little boy

Our little boy fell to sleep after 20 years he brought joy in our lives but now our hearts have big hole sleep tight our little spud forever with us run free in cat heaven ❤️
Miss you so much


My beautiful girl taken too soon fly high my darling girl, I know you are still with me💔


Thanks all the exotic vets for all there help with our beloved squeaky


Our beautiful boy we will miss you forever 🌈


Ernie you were the light of my life, 11 years spent by my side, you never left me, I’d have a shower and you’d be there, bedtime, you’d be there with me, you’d sit on my shoulder or the arm of the chair, always near me. I am so lost without you, you were always there to greet me, licking and jumping like I’d been away for months! Coming home to your beautiful face every day made everything better, you have seen me through the darkest days of life and I will love and miss you forever my little baby dog. Run and have fun over the rainbow bridge Ernstar 🌈 until we meet again ❤️❤️❤️❤️


💙 Ty left our world on 12th April 2024 aged 14 years and 2 months. To say he has left a massive hole in our hearts and home would be and understatement. I brought Ty home when he was 7 weeks old and he was my entire world. RIP my handsome boy. Be happy and free over that rainbow bridge 🌈 xxx


Our beloved Tuppence is a beautiful soul. She was a rescue guinea pig and we had the privilege of sharing our lives with her, always loving her cuddles and kisses! Her cagemate, Dylis, loved every second with her, running around, grooming and playing together. Tuppence was a funny character too, who loved watching us from her cage whatever we were doing in the house. Tuppence was our little ‘spy’ who always had to know what was going on. Enjoy the meadow beyond the rainbow bridge, our darling. We love you 💕🌈


I would like to add Bailey to your remembrance page. Bailey gained hrs angel wings at Rutland House on 28th February 2024 aged 16. Since you gained your wings Bailey our hearts are broken. The house isn’t the same and we are not the same with out you. You are always in our thoughts and hearts , we truly miss you and love you. Until we meet again run free over the rainbow. Mum , dad , Ryan & Mathew xxx🐾🌈💕


Our handsome Smokey Mo Mo, 13 years old! What a joy to have you in our lives, you will be missed not just by us but your kitty wife Tigga and son Gizmo.

We love you and miss you loads 💗🌈 🐈‍⬛



Daisy was our beloved dog for 14 years she gave us soo much love and never asked for anything in return apart from belly rubs. We are all missing you like crazy and our house doesn’t seem the same without you sat on the stairs peeping through at us . The only peace we have is that your not in pain anymore. Christmas was a blank as we were waiting for you to unwrap your presents as you loved doing it. Sleep tight our baby girl and fly high over the rainbow bridge. You are no longer by our sides but will be in our hearts forever.

Lots of love Mum, Dad, Liam, Chloe and Grandad xxxxx🌈💔😢


Poppy was our angel. We were lucky enough for her to share our lives through 9 of the most challenging times we had ever faced. She was a big gentle giant and loved us all unconditionally. For a newfoundland she was shy to take to the water and I had to swim out into the Carr Mill damn for her to jump in. But once she found her way she was hooked. We couldn’t have asked for a more loving, beautiful dog and we are all eternally grateful she was part of our lives. We love you always Poppy our Love. Sleep well our Angel. Rob, Gaynor and David xxx


In loving memory of Dylan (Dyls), our standard dacshund and the “Best Dog in the World”. Typical of his breed he loved nothing better than a warm snuggle or being buried in a pile of blankets. Loved playing with toys but would never let them go! Dylan’s favorite place was the beach at Crosby, so many things to dig up and discover…as long as he did not get his paws wet. Hated the rain…loved the sunshine. Thank you to Chris Saul and the Rutland House team for helping Dyls to fight Lymphoma and giving us 3 quality years following diagnosis.

We miss you so much Dyls. Sleep in peace. xxx


In loving memory of snowy we had him for 14 years and he will be greatly missed thank you to all the staff who helped to look after snowy and showed me great comfort towards the end of his life. He will be sadly missed by us all especially his brother and sister poppy and Billy

R.I.P snowy

Tom Thumb

Tom, we miss you so much 💔 how will we get by with out you ? you have left a massive hole in our lifes and our house feels empty without you here. I miss not being able to find my slipper and the way you would sit with me snuggled under a blanket. We miss taking you to the forest and the park and your greetings at the front door when we came home. We called you Tom day to day, but your full name was Tom Thumb because you where the smallest of your brothers and sisters, we somtimes called you Tommy thumb and that’s what our friends liked to call you too. A kind little soul with the sweetest temperament, you’ve left a human brother and sister behind who miss you so much. Sleep tight my boy, love you always & miss you forever ❤️ your human mum & family xxxx


Barnie was 26 and half years old. We rescued him from a terrible situation all them years ago. He was very quiet and didn’t like you putting your hand in his cage for the fear of being hurt. It took so many years for him to finally trust us.

But when he did something amazing happened. We always let him sit out and an amazing bond happened he would sit with me snuggling and playing with toys. Then Barnie found his voice and there was no stopping him. His favourite words were YOO-HOO and HELLO. He had a happy life and was a happy bird we miss him dearly his whistle and his voice. He went over the Rainbow Bridge on 10/10/23. We have his ashes back with us. With all are love to my Barnie gone but never forgotten.

Thank you to Molly for taking care of him! And all the staff at Rutland House Vets xx


Mabel was adopted as an older dog who needed love in her golden years. People said we saved her, but really she saved us. She was my best friend, a merry little girl who stayed by our side throughout the good and bad, always doing her absolute best to bring us laughs and love.

We will always love you, Mabel, and we will always miss you. xxx


Sonny came into our family 14 years ago, he was only 2 years old a little puppy he came when our lives and hearts were broken. He brought us unconditionally love he gave me strength to carry on every day he made us all smile and we made beautiful memories we will cherish forever, he was our baby boy so special and gentle. We miss his beautiful face every single day,our hearts are truly broken, but we we’re truly blessed to have you in our lives for the 14 year years.

Rest in Peace now my beautiful Angel Sonny your with Ethan now until we meet again.

Forever missed and never forgotten.

Love, Mum & Dad, Kimberley & James Xx❤️💔


Bruno our baby boy we only had you in our lives for 3 years, but what years they were, you followed me everywhere and was my little shadow and companion, I couldn’t even stand up without you doing it to. You made your dads day everyday when you would greet him home from work with such love. You had your own special ways and showed us so much love. Our hearts are aching for you and the silence is too hard. Sleep tight “little guy” 💔💔💔💔


Oh our sweet baby boy fudge, 2 years was certainly not enough time and you still had your whole life ahead of you, we were not ready to say goodbye, from our little baby hamster(well as small as one), to our beautiful long haired boy, we will miss you shouting in the morning for your veg and stealing all the cucumber from Winston and always hiding in your tunnel, we love you more than you will ever know our sweet boy, no more pain, run free baby boy💙
Mum & dad, Winston, gizmo & blue xxx


Miss seeing this little face and hearing his paws clip clopping around the house. Home is just not the same without you here Jake. You will be forever missed and always loved! Even on your last day you went to the vets and got lots of fuss and kisses from all the vets, you wagged your tail right to the end. Thank you to all the vets who have looked after you from being a puppy with lots of problems from the start. Especially Ana from Freckleton, Jake loved coming to see you, thank you for the card 💔 our hearts will be forever broken! Until we meet again my little fur baby, wait for me!!


15th June 2013 – 22nd August 23


After 11 years of unconditional love and joy, we said goodbye to our beloved family member, Sparky.
He taught us love, strength and living in the moment. We will miss you and never forget you our little sunshine, rest in peace Sparky ❤️


After 17 years our gorgeous boy Felix went to cat heaven and it’s broken our hearts.

He was so soft, the cat-est of all cats because he just owned the cat personality so well!

We miss you and always will, you will never be forgotten.

Mum, Dad, Megan, Ben and Dan



Remembering our little boy Charlie Holian who sadly passed away in February.

Our hearts are broken our little Angel , not a day doesn’t pass , not an hour when we don’t think about you . We have cried so much and even today I wake up thinking I am in a nightmare that you are not here with us .

They say time is a great healer , not true …every day is a struggle.

Miss our cuddles and fun things we did together and every day I cry for you , I know you are in a better place, and you are in rainbow bridge with Harvey .

I hope we did you proud with your private funeral , your ashes are lying in my arms each night . Your paw print takes pride and place in the house with your photo before you became poorly .

I love you so much it hurts but I know one day I will see you again . How often I have rang support groups to help with the pain of loosing you .

Sleep tight our beautiful boy . Big massive hugs and so much love for you .

Heartbroken mum and dad .


Be inspired, not sad!

This is lovely Jake. He has gone to rainbow bridge and earnt his angel wings but not before teaching us all about just getting on with it. Blind from birth and on medication for a spinal injury from the age of 3, he lived his best life! Rested when he needed and then did everything he possibly could the rest of the time. Despite his difficulties, he cracked on and made life his own. Husband to Amber and Pearl, we will miss you so much beautiful boy xx

Thank you so much to Molly who totally got his spirit and did everything possible to enable him to live the happy life that he did.


Thank you for all the love and light you brought to my world my cuddly little boy. Sleep Tight Acorn. You will always be in my heart. I Love You Xxxxxx


Chewie passed away 17/1/23 after being unwell on and off since summer 2022.

We will forever miss you little man, you were an epic boy and we will forever love you.

Love from Mummy and Daddy


Duke was a big bouncy boxer dog who made friends with everyone who met him. He was a big brother to our other Boxer Roxy who is missing him terribly. Sadly Duke became ill and we had to let him cross the bridge as we couldn’t bear the thought of him being in pain, which would sadly have been inevitable. There is a big boxer-sized hole in all our live now, but we know he won’t suffer. Throughout his diagnosis and treatment Rutland House have been absolutely brilliant. From the vets to the support staff and nurses, they have treated Duke and us with sensitivity and dignity throughout this terrible time.

Thank you so much from all of Duke’s family

Fly high Duke xx.


Our dearest Molly

We all miss you so so much and our home is not the same without you in it. We will cherish our 17 years we had with you and will miss your kind loving nature. Goodnight and gods bless our girl.


Beryl was our baby girl cat (11 months) she was so beautiful and loving, such a torment to her big brother Bertie, he’s missing her like mad we all are. Sadly Beryl, was ran over two days after Christmas 2022, despite all the efforts of Rutland house she’d been hit too hard to come back from. The ladies & male vet who were snuggling my darling Beryl, I will forever in your debt. Thank you so much for everything.

We will miss you forever my darling Baby Beryl. All our love always & for eternity, goodnight darling. Mummy, Baby Bertie & your human sisters ❤❤❤❤❤xx


Fred – we miss you every day and love you lots xxxxxx


Sweep was with us for 16 years. 16 years of love and memories. We all miss you so much. life will never be the same without you but we will continue to love you forever and ever.


Winston, we love&miss you so much sweetheart. xxx


Missing you so much Lottie, you were a very special girl who gave us so much joy


Ty was with us for 9 of his 11 years. He was so affectionate and wanted nothing but our love and attention. He was tragically taken from us on the 14th of June 2022 without warning or time to say goodbye. Life won’t be the same for us but we will love you forever❤️


‘’Remembering our beautiful cat Nobby. He gave us 14-years of love and joy. We all miss you so much and will never forget you. Lots of love, Sue, Mark, Tom, Laura, Lee, Linda, Alessia, Francesca & Ollies’’


Bailey, We sadly lost our beautiful boy on 3rd June 2022 age 13 . Our hearts are broken, he had the best life with us, going on many trips in the motorhome and campervan. He’s travelled all over! We miss you so much bean. Our lives will never be the same. Your little side kick Bella misses you terribly. Run free over the rainbow bridge, we will hold you again one day 💕🌈


Dotty was a treasured part of our family for over 14 years after we rehomed her from Dogs’ Trust as a young dog. She was funny, cute and mischievous and didn’t like vets very much but was always treated with so much care and compassion from everyone at Rutland House and Freckleton Road vets. After living with dementia for the past couple of years, she sadly crossed the rainbow bridge recently, aged at least 16. We know she will be barking at all the other dogs she meets there, as she always used to. We love and miss you Dotty – from mum, dad & Carys xxx


Rolo came into our lives like a little fiery pocket rocket full of binkies and zoomies and was the Queen of sass. Although her time with us was short she really did show us that love isn’t based on size, but on the amount of space taken up in our hearts and oh my did she fill our hearts with joy and laughter. She will be greatly missed but we are glad she’s at peace. Thank you to all at a Rutland for treating her like your own in her last week’s. RIP Princess.


We only had Lucy for eight weeks, but in that time she captured our hearts. Adopted from Cats Protection, St. Helens. They picked her up as a stray. A beautifully loving cat, so sadly taken from us so suddenly on 29th October.


In loving memory of our baby girl, that went to rainbow 🌈 Bridge on the 2nd March aged 16 years. Toots we miss you so much, pls stay by us it was the hardest decision we have had to make an it killed us. But we had 16 wonderful years with you 🐈‍⬛ but it doesn’t stop us hurting, we miss you cuddles, kisses an most of all them cold ears. Play with your brothers an sisters, till its my time to meet you all again, never to part 💔 bye for now my baby girl, my princess xx


During this difficult time of Covid 19…I had to say goodbye to my long time companion of 15 years Timothy. Our pets give us love, laughter and smiles …and we have to treasure that. Nite Nite Timothy…you will always be at the bottom of the bed.x love from the Miller and Brown Family


Our brave happy little Ginger Bear. Night night sweetheart. Mummy and Daddy love you and will miss you so much. You were our little sunbeam.


We lost our beautiful girl Violet on 16 August 18, left a big gap in our world, after a tough start in life, we rescued her and gave her a loving home, sadly taken too soon! All missing you so much! Always in our heart and memories, love you always, Mark,Mandy, Velcro and Scratchy XXX sleep in peace.


We lost Candie today on the 9th July 2018 at 15 years old, and we’re all extremely devastated. I lost more than a pet today, I lost my best friend, my sister and an absolute amazing companion. She’ll be forever missed and the home won’t be the same without her.


Jess was a loving companion to Colin, Brian and June for 15 years and will be sadly missed.She left us to be with our other 2 dogs on 23 July 2013.


We miss you so much Coco, taken far too soon. Clover misses her sister too but she continues to eat all of the plants in the garden for you! We are devasted you are no longer part of our family. Thank you for all of the happy memories, we will never forget you. We love you, hop happy in bunny heaven. Love Mum, Dad and Clover xx


Snowy was our adorable,beloved white angora lop eared rabbit who was much more than our pet, he was a member of the family. His unexpected passing on Thursday 22nd August affected us deeply. He will never be forgotten for all the joy he brought into our lives. Sadly missed but hopefully he is running free with other rabbits now nibbling on the clover in rabbit heaven. God bless. Xxxxxxxxxxxx


We will all miss you so much, You was such a big part of our lives and hearts. There will never be another dog that could grunt like a pig and be so loving as you. Love you and miss you always. We are all so grateful to have you in our lives. LOVE YOU ALWAYS. Mum, Dad, Siobhan, Conor, Hope, Harley, Izzy.


Cherry, died on the 2nd September 2013, she was 12 years old and has been the best pet of all times, it has been a privilege to have had her as our treasured pet, and we will miss her sooo much. Thank you to all the staff who took care of her at Rutland House. Irene & Ken Quinton and Family.


Rest in peace my dear Rhys my beautiful chocolate Dobermann so very badly missed by Mummy Daddy and Lolabella we had 8 very special years together.



Sleep tight Barney you were such a wonderful pet and we have great memories.
We are soo devasted at your leaving so soon, your missed so much our hearts are broken.god bless and night night little boy, miss you soo much.

Love you always
All Hulley family


RIP Buster – 16/10/13

Miss you so much

The O’Neill Family


You were with us only for 3 years and we hoped for many more but it wasnt meant to be.. You will always be in our thoughts and hearts and your pain has finally gone away RIP 15 Nov 2013 Tracey and Emily Mckinnely


Jessie fell asleep on 20th January 2014 aged 16 Goodnight, sleep well dear Jessie.
Much loved family member and friend. Your dad was a champion as were you to us.
Mum, Dad, Gary and your little sis Loulou


Charlie, you were the most perfect Westie, loved by everyone who knew you.
Four weeks short of your 16th birthday. The day you went to sleep was the most heartbreaking day of our lives, we are all completely devastated. We just hope you are running free now Charl, somewhere beautiful.

Love from Dad, Mum and Claire x x


To my Little angel Alfie.
Thank you for all the Love, Friendship and Laughs you gave me this past 14 years.
I miss your cuddles so much.
You are Back with your brothers Joe and Oliver now my boy.


My darling Kimbo, We had 12 wonderful years together and I cherished every moment.
I fear that my heart will be forever broken but I am comforted by such wonderful memories of our life together.
I’ll love you forever.
Good night my angel xxxxx


Luna is gone, she was a much more than a dog, our world collapsed without her.
Mum and Dad

Bugsy Poppy

Rip POPPY. 21.7.14… no more pain and reunited with pumpkin and pip.xx
Tracey and Emily.


Thank you to all the staff at St. Helens for looking after a very special pussycat.
Sadly they couldn’t make her better. We had 12 happy years with her.
We miss her very much.


Mistie touched the hearts of everyone gone but never forgot 9/9/2003 – 10/6/2014


Tara: How could we ever forget such an affectionate and friendly girl as Tara was. She will always be remembered as our ‘bestest woofa’. Rest in peace Tara xxx


Our beautiful, brave collie May thank you for 15 years of love, you fought to be with us valiantly and we fought for you too because we loved you so very much. You taught us so much about love and loyalty . Always with us in our hearts , Mum, Dad and sisters Lowis and Mollie and Grandma and Grandad xxxx


Smokey age 23 months who sadly died 21.9.14 in a R,t,a. Smokey r.i.p and sleep tight my friend.Thanks for giving us comfort and making us laugh through those lonely and difficult times, we will never forget you little fella, you brought us so much joy and you’ll be forever in our hearts, we love ya so much, sorry I wasn’t there for you at the end, bye for now little mate.


To our wonderful little Alfie, who was a much loved member of our family for 10 amazing years. We will always love you and never forget you, you are in our hearts forever. Love from your Mum, Gillian and Rebecca xxx


My best friend Lucy can never be replaced. She was perfect. I miss her terribly x


Kenny, my beautiful boy and faithful companion. You have left a hole in our hearts that cannot be filled. Run free now xxx


Chopper. Wild at heart. We are proud and privileged to have been your chosen family during your twilight years. We love you very much and you are missed every day.


Thank you to all the staff that looked after Smudge over the years. We had 11 1/2 happy years with him. He brightened up many lives and we are glad we got spend time with him. There will never be another quite like him. miss you smugglebug


Little tilly, Mummy Ali and Emma miss you loads. Xxxx


Our little jnr we miss you so much. Love Mummy, Emma and Ali. Xx


Our Smudge, Mummy, Emma and Ali miss u loads little one. Xxxx


Such a tragedy and huge shock that you are no longer with us, especially at the young age of 4.
You were such a great character and the house is too quiet without you. Sometimes you were a pain in the bum, but you were our pain in the bum & we loved you for it!!
You will always be in our thoughts & hearts. Art, San & Suzie Walton xxx Also, huge thanks to all the staff at the Culcheth branch, they were fantastic


Rest in peace now my brave little boy.
Back with your brothers, Alfie, Oliver, Joe and Marmie.

Love you always my gorgeous Louis


We had 14 treasured years together and our lives will never be the same without you, you are one very special boy who we will miss forever.

All our love, hugs and kisses
Mum, Dad, Thomas & Eve xxxx


My Tom miss you everyday. I get peace knowing you now with your brother, you can both get up to mischief together again x x


My beautiful boy Jerry was my best friend. 15 years has gone by since I got you at 5 weeks old. A very large hole has been left in my life.
Miss you my Jerry x x


Stan, we miss you so much little man.
Love and hugs
Mum, Dad and all your family


Goodbye Paddy, we didn’t even have a year together but the months we did have were amazing ones.
Miss you and love you Padster. Xxx


Silla’ ,who loved all the staff at Rutland House and had a big soft spot for Sue Paterson.
Thank you all for looking after her in her short life.
Brian Chris Gareth and Nikki Yates.


Taffy you came into my life from my little bit of haven, you where fisty from three weeks old and was such a character. I will never forget the day you were snatched away from me and I miss you loads and loads, my world is a much darker place without you in it. play well my baby boy and will meet you at Rainbow Bridge xxxx


Play well at Rainbow Bridge little man, you will be so much for so many different things but I will miss ur singing.
I saw you brought in to this world and saw you to the end and best of all I watched u grow and play and turn into the purrfect friend and furbaby.

love you loads little man xxxx


I love you more than everything in the world Willow and I’ll miss you every day until we see each other again my beautiful baby girl. Thank you to the lovely ladies at Freckleton Veterinary Clinic for taking away Willow’s pain.


My very special boy charlie we love you so much and will miss you every gave us 13 years of happiness love and loyalty. Thank you so much miss you mate xx


Our beautiful dog Jay, we loved you so much, enjoy chasing rabbits over the Rainbow Bridge xx


In memory of Henry Farrell who passed away on 20th July 2015.
We had 13 lovely years with you and you left us with a lifetime of memories.
Rest in Peace you big fluffy ted, gone but never forgotten.
Thank you to Rutland House who took great care with him. Xx


Our beautiful, loving, courageous dog ‘Ben’ who came to us when nobody else wanted you.
You were the most special dog we ever had and we are missing you so very much. Rest in peace our angel lots of love the cooper family x


Tia was more than a dog, she was our furry baby and my son’s furry sister. Her passing has left a doggy shaped hole in our family hearts. RIP Tia x

Molly Moo

Molly Moo will be in our hearts until we meet again. Kelly, Pete, Misty and Tommy miss you very much.


Jasper, it was a pleasure to have you in our lives. We will never forget you. Rest in peace little bear. Love always x


Suzy was the best dog ever, my world, my best friend.
We will miss her lots and lots, we love you suze, you will be forever in our thoughts.
A big thank you to all at Rutland St.Helens for taking great care of Suzy for us, especially during her last month with us. Lots of love and kisses suze, Mum, Ste, Rachael, Ellie, Doug & Andrew xxxxxxxxxx


Gone but will never be forgotten


I would to thank vet we saw On Saturday 10th October, Bob was very ill. We were heartbroken he had not been eating for a few days, we did not want to end his life but vet advised us we were doing right thing. RIP BOB 10th October 2015 xx Diane + Andy


Leo, our beautiful tiger cub. Such a happy boy. You left us a week ago and our hearts will be forever broken. There’s a space in our lives that can never be filled. You are my best friend & your mama’s baby boy. We would have given everything to save you, but this wasn’t enough. Wait for us at Rainbow Bridge my sweetheart. We will always be with you. See you soon my brave tiger. We love you. Thanks to ‘Jac’ (vet) who helped us through this dreadful time, and to all the staff who cared for Leo whenever he was at Rutland.

Pamela & Barry Rowlands. Miss you sweetheart. Night night XXXXXXX.

Ruby Roo

Ruby roo…….little dog , massive character …will be missed forever…
Mama, Dada, Mollie , Shaun & Olivia xxxxx


Our beautiful Oscar. So dearly loved. So sadly missed


Our precious baby Bubbles. Taken too soon 21st January 2016. Run free darling and keep munching that hay.
You were with us for such a short time but it was so special, just like you.
Night and God bless baby girl. We will love and remember you forever. Mummy Daddy and Squeaky love


RIP fudge. The best dog any one could ask for! The day i saw you in the dogs home 12 years ago you melted my heart. A big part of our family. You gave us 12 years of love and joy you will forever be in our hearts all our love the Quilter house hold xxxxxxxxxxxxx


My beautiful boy Tatum, although i only had you for a short time you have left paw prints on my heart that will remain there forever. I love you so much you are so special to me and my heart will forever be broken, until the day we meet again. Fly high my boy I’ll never forget you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Tyson you are missed so much had a great 16 years with you.
r.i.p x


Beautiful Angel. Clever, feisty, special lady. We love you and miss you so much.


Our Gorgeous boy Guster, it broke our hearts having to put you asleep, you were only with us for 4 months and them 4 months were full of happy memories. Missing you so much, house doesn’t feel the same with you not around. Love mum, dad and little Hollie xxx Would Like to say a big thank you to all the staff at Rutland hospital and Albany for caring for Guster.


Molly was such a lovely natured dog and was very well loved by her family. She passed away on Monday 16 May 2016. Molly was funny and crazy. She was very cute and a big teddy bear. Thankyou to Rob, Andrea and Natasha from vets Warrington for your lovely card and sympathy and for being so understanding. Love from Louisa, Thomas and Luis Tilston xx


Our beloved Rowley, our beautiful crazy dude.The final piece to our family jigsaw. Thanking the staff at Rutland can never seem enough. Your understanding, support, help and kind words will never be forgotten.

Julie, Paul, Jack & Ben Phillips x


Our beloved little boy.
Our little lion
Our home & hearts are empty without you.
You have filled our lives with 14 years of love & joy. You are missed terribly & will always be.

Thank you to the staff at Rutland house for your support through a difficult time.


We would like to thank the Vet at Rutland House for being so kind to Millie when putting her to sleep last Thursday. We miss Millie so much. We received a card from you today which was so lovely. Thank you for all you did for Millie. Linda, Paul and Daniel Morris. RIP Millie xxx


Milly you were such a wonderful dog and a much loved member of our family for the last 16 and a half years.

We all miss you Milly xx


R.I.P. SASH you were much loved and though you are no longer by my side you will live on in my heart forever.


Jake was rescued from the Dogs Trust in April 2005. He haS had his forever home with me ever since. Xena and Pat his adoptive Mum joined the family followed by Little Essie. Sadly it was time to say goodby to free Jake from his pain and discomfort from his arthritis and countless other ailments on 13 July 2016. We would like to thank all at Rutland / Balmoral who have taken care of Jake over the years in a professional, caring and sympathetic manner, especially at the end. You’ll be missed Jake. Mum, Dad, Xena and Essie xxxx


🍀CLOVER 🍀 You were our world You gave us so much love and devotion Rest in peace playing ball with nan! Love you always Your loving family Xxxxxxxxx


My best friend Leo passed away peacefully aged 12 on Tues 26th July.
He loved everyone and was such a cheeky boy..
He will be so missed by me and my family. RIP Leo xxxx


Goodnight our beloved Whiskey and rest in peace.
We had 17 wonderful years together and we will never forget you xx


Monty, our 21 year old very much loved cat not only by your family but the whole community. Always being an outdoor cat you had many adventures and had a very full life. It’s so hard to say goodbye Monty, you’ll be missed forever. Xx


Miss you so much p j. From Barry, and your little pack, whom you took such care of…Bonny, Trooper, and Bandit X X X X


Candy was part of our family for 15 years and we all miss her so much xx RIP candy we will never forget you ?? Tracey Paul Rachel and Ryan


Sonny, you gave us so many happy times and memories, still feels unreal not seeing or hearing you at home. Rest in peace now little man. Never forgotten and loved always Xxx


This is little Muffin, we loved you with all our heart’s, even when you was being a typical tortoise kitty, strong willed and THE BOSS.


Pantalion the ferret the greatest companion and friend will be greatly missed by his mummy Ali mummy Emma and his brother kaisa.xxxxxx


Rocky was the best dog and friend we have ever had, he was loyal to the end, and on the 13th September we had to make the hardest decision of our lives and let him go.
This will completely change our lives, we will love and miss him forever and we would like to thank Rutland House for the lovely card and there help at this sad time


RIP Sam, you really were the perfect dog. You will always be in our hearts.

Lots of love from Mummy, Daddy and all your brothers and sisters xxx


On Thursday 20th October 2016, we said goodbye to our beloved Labrador Marley.

He brought us so much happiness throughout his 8 short years and we are heartbroken to have had to let him go.
We are all going to miss his quirky ways and happy face, so so much. Special thank you to Tori for making his last moments so perfect, and all in the Dermatology Clinic for their care throughout his life.

Marley will remain in our hearts always

Chips Zak

Zak 15 1/2 you were such a wonderful part of our family and will be sadly missed.
Rest in peace Zack run free again my love
we will never forget you


My little gizzy was the most loving and loyal little man but now he is running free of pain with his doggie pals at the bridge.

Will always miss and love you mummy and bro spike.


Our Beautiful Prince
Run wild and free my wonderful baby boy -15-03-2001—27-11-2015
Loved and remembered every day, forever in our minds and hearts. Love Mum, Dad, Hannah and Mick

Anne Marie

Thank you so much for your sincere care of my cat Anne Marie last week when I made the decision to have her put to sleep at the grand age of 21 & ½


Remembering Midnight who was tragically taken from us, he’s left a big void not only in house but in our hearts. We are totally heartbroken he was not only our family pet but our best mate. His is greatly missed and not a day goes by that he is not in our thoughts. Good night goodbless little man. Thank you for the card and seeds.Mrs Carroll


Sadly left us, for a brighter life over the rainbow bridge.
Your suffering, has now finished


My Beautiful Brown Eyed Girl Kara,you fought so hard and had such a zest for Life. We said Goodnight on 18/1/17 and we miss you Dearly. Thank You Ana and lovely team at Freckleton.

Meggy Moo

Meggy Moo September 2011 – January 2017 Goodnight God bless our beautiful girl words can’t describe our heartbreak run free over that rainbow bridge girl xx


Our beautiful Lily, We can’t believe you were taken from us far too soon.
You brought so much happiness into our lives. Everyone loved you. We will miss you always. You gave the best cuddles ever.

Your heartbroken mum and dad


My Handsome boy Dixie , my heart is broken that you’ve gone, Miss you everyday, you were my little man and my best mate.
Joan and Peter miss you too xx
Love you my beautiful boy xxxxxx


In remberance of Jess a beloved dog thankyou very much all the staff at Rutland. She will be sadly missed by all
Sharon Pennington, Karen and Mike Brown


My Handsome boy Dixie , my heart is broken that you’ve gone, Miss you everyday, you were my little man and my best mate. Joan and Peter miss you too xx Love you my beautiful boy xxxxxx


Gilbert Roberts Died 17/02/17 Age 15 Beloved pet of Allan & Geraldine will love and miss you always. Mum~Dad~Florence~Tia xxxx


SUSIE was my beloved black cocker spaniel, who sadly passed away on Friday, 3rd March, 2017, age 11 years 10 months. Susie was with me at the time in the car. I drove straight home and laid her on the settee, the place she always slept on, apart from bed time, when she is with me on the bed. She was buried in the front garden on Sunday the 5th. Susie was quite a boisterous fun loving dog, who never stopped wagging her short tail. She love swimming and digging in the sand, and sniffing for bunny rabbits. I MISS HER SO VERY MUCH, my dear S usie, luv dad_paul xx


Our beautiful girl Aggie brought us 10 beautiful years teaching us the true value of unconditional love . Loving us more than we ever thought possible . No one could ever prepare us for the hurt we would feel on losing her and the hole she is leaving in all our hearts . Even though our hearts are aching beyond belief , the ten years she gave us is worth every ache and every tear we are shedding. Every corner is constant reminders of our loyal friend. We will miss her so much . Fly high our beautiful girl xx. Special thanks to Ana and the team for making the crossing to rainbow bridge so peaceful for her xxx.


In remembrance of our little boy pippin You left your paw prints on our hearts forever We will never forget you & love you more than anything Lots of love from Your mummy & daddy xxx


Our lovely lady Mia, we miss you very much, sleep well our little friend. With thanks to Jessica and the team at Rutland.


Heartbroken Mum Dad and Family xxxx Thank you Jessica and team for all that you done for our baby xx


To our lovely big soft boy Shankley,(my lad) you gave us so much happiness with bounding happiness and love for every person you met, a typical boxer you was nosey with eveything in life, you made us laugh like no one else could and was always there right by our side. We gave you our heart and soul just like you gave us yours.We will never forget you ever. Claire and ( Tom your big bro) ! Rest in peace gorgeous, handsome lad we will never forget you night god bless xxx


My loving Tosh will never be forgotten, you can play with Jinks now my little boy. I miss you.


To our lovely big soft boy Shankley,(my lad) you gave us so much happiness with bounding happiness and love for every person you met, a typical boxer you was nosey with eveything in life, you made us laugh like no one else could and was always there right by our side.
We gave you our heart and soul just like you gave us yours.We will never forget you ever.
Claire and ( Tom your big bro) !

Rest in peace gorgeous, handsome lad we will never forget you night god bless xxx


My beautiful quirky cat named Mouse crossed over the rainbow bridge after a short illness aged 10 yrs 7 months on 06/04/2017.
We were heartbroken.

I would like to thank Rutland house staff at Haydock vets for the sensitive way it was dealt with And the lovely card and poppy seeds I received in the post X


Our lovely chocolate labrador Charlie a much loved member of our family. Left us on 29th April 2017, he brought us 11 and a half wonderful years. Sadly missed by Daniel, Mum, Dad, family and friends. Xxx


Our little girl fell asleep on 12 June 2017.
Gone but will never be forgotten. We were so lucky to have you in our lives for over thirteen and a half years. You are now reunited will Molly, who you grew up with.

A huge thanks to Michelle and the team at Village surgery who took such good care of you (and us) in your final days.


Sadly on the 22nd of July Harry passed away with all his family around him aged 10 sadly missed by all his family and everyone who knew him, love you always our beautiful boy thanks to all staff involved in Harry’s care.


My dearest little Mischief,
Almost 10 years ago you entered my life like a little hurricane and for ten years you have been my furry best friend. You were the most friendly cat I have ever, ever known, always wanting to say hello to anyone and everything, you’d sit on anyone who happened to sit down near you and give them love and attention. When people say to me ‘cats are selfish’ as they often do, I tell them about you, my little baby who cuddles everyone and comes and sits with me when I’m sad. Who let’s me scoop her up, cuddle her like a baby and carry her around the house… she is not selfish. She is the most loving little cat. My heart is absolutely shattered at losing you and I still can’t quite believe that I’m never going to see you again. I will never smell behind your ears or stroke your silky little head. We’ll never rub noses again, but I cherish all the times we did, my little baby. I wish I could have cuddled you forever but it wasn’t to be. I love you. I’ll always love you. My heart will always be broken. You’re irreplaceable, my beautiful Mischief. Sleep tight gorgeous girl. Mummy, Princess and Mittens miss you more than you’ll ever know. “Maggie”


Poppy Gardam 11.10.04 – 12.08.17 Our beautiful princess. Thank you Poppy for all the lovely memories and the love you have given us for the past 12 years and 8 months. You’ve made us laugh with your funny mischievous antics. You always made a big fuss of us and gave us a warm welcome. We are proud and privileged that you chose to be a member of the family. Words cannot describe how heartbroken, lost and empty we feel without you. You’ll be forever in our hearts. We miss you so much Poppy with all our hearts. Love you lots little girl. Goodnight God bless Mum, Dad, Joe and Adam xxxx


The staff at the Freckleton Road Vets knew Seth very well. He always made his feelings known that he was bored at the vets and wanted to just leave! Like a typical greyhound he would let you do just about anything to him but if it hurt just a little bit, well, let’s put it this way greyhounds aren’t brave. He was however the most loving, gentle soul I have ever met and my Sethy is missed every single day.
Sweet dreams my boy.

Charlie Armstrong

Our beautiful boy Charlie Armstrong, passed away 29/8/17 aged 9 yrs.
Rest now with Grandma Pat until we see you again.
With love from your broken hearted family, John, Kaye, Emma & your extended family & friends. XXX


Tiger My special little queen, a true sweetheart, a loving companion to Toulouse, a mischievous, playful cat but most of all a true friend.
Me and Toulouse will miss you so much. Taken way too soon.
Goodnight sweet baby girl.
We love you and miss you every day you are in our thoughts


Ruby was our special girl for 10 and 1/2 years. She was a loyal, family dog who had cheeky and funny ways, but also gave us unconditional love. Our hearts are broken and the pain we are feeling is unbearable. We will all miss our gorgeous baby girl. Rest in peace Ruby, love you forever ♥ xxxxx ♥ Thank you to Jessica and her team for giving Ruby the care she needed over the last 7 months.


My beautiful Lennox,we all love and miss you, 12 beautiful years we had you from cradle to grave and not a day goes by without us thinking about you….go run far and wide and pain free.
Love always Mum, Dad, Ellie, Brodie, Tyson and George xxx XXX


Juicy I love you and miss you every single day.
Always in my heart


My Oscar, he was taken away from us way too soon, he was only 6 years old but he is in heaven now running around with his brother George!
You will forever be in our hearts Ozzy.
Love you always! mummy and nanny xxx


Our beloved boy Oscar. He became so tired so very quickly. We just weren’t ready but we never would have been. I can’t thank the team and Rutland & Albany enough for their care and compassion throughout his 11 years. Running up rainbow hill with with the other fur babies.

Goodnight, god bless little man. Mum, dad & Adam x


Molly was the perfect little dog and will be forever in our hearts ♥♥♥♥


This is Our Georgie he was so special to us…
Nothing seems the same since you closed your eyes for the last time… thank you for the 8 and a half years you gave us so much happiness…if love could of saved you Georgie you would of lived forever…night god bless love you matey xxx
love Mum,Dad,Connor and Tayla…breath easy now xxx

Thank you so much Rutland House for looking after Our Georgie boy your all amazing xxx


My dearest, dearest Ditzie. My little girl. My Angel. You were with me through the worst of times but gave me the best of times. You were my soul mate.
I will love you forever XXXXX
Heartbroken Mummy.


On the 6th July 2016 we said good night God bless to our baby girl Jinty aged 17 not a day goes by we don’t miss you Mummy’s angel in heaven xxx

From the Woodcock family


Our Ferguson who was such a wonderful dog died on 21st December and it has broken our hearts. A beautiful temperament he had despite all of his ill health and challenges. He always loved going to the vets.We will miss him forever x

Missey Gale

Sweet dreams my beautiful girl Missey Gale.Mummy love you always & yours sisters Princess & Daizey miss you too.See you at the Rainbow Bridge baby girl xx Thank you to all the staff at Rutland house for your care & support throughout Misseys life xx


To everyone at Rutland House,
We cannot thank the staff and vets enough for the treatment out Dusty received. Dusty was a fantastic dog and a inspiration to us all. He was very loveable and everyone within the family loved him, not only that but, strangers who saw Dusty fell in love straight away. His temperament was fantastic. He will be sadly missed by us all and he will never be forgotten in our family. RIP Dusty (Dust) you will be forever in our hearts. Love, Cath & Derek McConville & Family Xxx


We lost our little man Tory on 2 January 2018. He was loved dearly by us and his loss has left a massive hole in our lives. He will never be forgotten.

Sleep well Tory


Meet our precious Millie, a tenacious, spirited, loving little border terrier who we loved very much and will miss always.


My beloved Midge got her wings 15-1-2018


Meet our precious Millie, a tenacious, spirited, loving little boarder terrier who we loved very much and will miss always.


We lost our best boy, Sparky, on the 7th Feb 2018 and it was quite a shock, we’re gonna miss him very much, it won’t be the same without him.


Our beautiful boy Milo went to Rainbow Bridge on 09/02/18. We will always love and miss you. You have taken a piece of all our hearts with you. You were so special. Run free with all your friends who went to the bridge before you. RIP Milo.Lots of love n big hugs and licks Mum, Dad, Leanne, Jakey boy, & Ruby xx


Charlie you will always be in our hearts Not a day goes by without us thinking of you.Sleep tight


My loving Sharpei Tyler passed away on 15/02/2018 aged nearly 10 yrs . he was such a loving protective boy & we all miss him so so much ! He was a funny lad who loved to play with my other Sharpeis Tessy & Lilly ! He has left us all heartbroken & we miss him deeply ❤!
Run over that Rainbow Bridge My sweet boy & go & play you have earned your Angel wings !
I love you forever Tyler xxx


Molly, you brought us 12 and a half years of happiness. You were our first dog and will stay forever in our hearts and thoughts. We were lucky to be your family. Sleep tight Mols, love you to the moon and back.Mum, Dad, Mark and Emma XXXX


Gizmo if love could have saved you, you would have lived for ever. Will never be another like you.Love mum dad Paul and mia


Rest in peace our beautiful suki miss you loads,, loved and remembered always good night our sleeping beauty ❤


On the 2nd March 2018 we had to make the most heartbreaking decision and say goodbye to our adorable Millie, she was 12 years 6 months old. She had spinal surgery in October 2017 and fought so hard to recover but it wasn’t to be. She really was a wonderful fur baby and we miss her terribly, the only comfort we have is that she had a wonderful life and enjoyed all her holidays in Ireland Scotland & Wales she was a serious travelling Westie and made our lives complete. Thanks so much to Jan and all the brilliant team at St Helens for trying everything for Millie, not forgetting Sophie her favourite nurse. You brought such happiness and love to our lives.We will never forget you.Miss & love you so much Millie, our sweetheart.Mum, Dad & Lydia and all the family.xxxxxx


My little treasure girl, now with P J . You will both be always be in my thoughts.Love from,Barry, Trooper and Bandit X X X


Thank you to all who assisted in Sally’s care. She was a wonderful friend and companion for the 5 years she was with us. Love you lots Sally sausage, run fast with you fur sisters and with daddy. Xx


To Penny, you’ll never know how much you where loved, you’ll never be forgotten, and thank you for all the happiness you gave us over the years. Rest in peace our little friend.
Love mum and dad 💔


Monty You were so lovely and always made us , and everyone you met, smile.
We miss you Love Mum, Dad & Andrew


Our beautiful boy Max sadly passed away on 18 October 2019. He has left an enormous hole in our family and will be loved and missed always. He was born on 8 November 2005 and we had him from 9 weeks old – adorable!Lesley and Phil Stanley and his Uncle Jim

Sally & Taz

Sally & Taz in happy times. We lost them both within weeks of each other. Taz was only10 & Sally was 12. Both sadly missed, gone but not forgotten, forever in our hearts, sleep well Dad’s lad and Mum’s girl.


On the 2nd of July 2013, after various health problems, We had to say goodbye to our beloved Pip, who suffered with chronic pancreatitis.We had 13 wonderful years and enjoyment with Pip, At least now he is no longer suffering in pain and he is at peace.Missing you so much Pip.Thank you Sue and Bill and all the staff at Rutland House for caring for Pip when he suffered with his eye problems and ear


Wompy you were a complete one off . It was an absolute honour to be part of your beautiful life .
We loved you dearly , had so much fun together and shared some amazing experiences it’s hard to believe you passed away so suddenly.We know you’re watching over us ( and the treats drawer) and you’ll be with us wherever we go . We miss you so much and will love and remember you forever.
Daddy, Mummy and Tilly X